It is with great sadness that I share with you this information regarding a staff member at Eastglen School. At 9:00 a.m. on Monday, October 25, 2004 Mr. Dave Raboud, collapsed in his Electronics class while taking attendance. Mr. Raboud was taken to hospital where he passed away just before noon. Mr. Raboud was 45 years old. He is survived by his wife Jan and two adult children Alex and Laura.

Mr. Raboud was a valued member of the Eastglen community. He spent his entire 24-year teaching career at Eastglen. In addition to teaching Electronics and Computers, he was active as a coach for the senior football and water polo teams. Teachers remembered him as helpful and always supportive to both staff and especially students, for whom he cared a great deal. He was described by one teacher as “Mr. Positive” and “Mister Eastglen”. He embodied every quality of a dedicated teacher.

In his leadership role as department head of Technology and CTS he would often say after a long discussion, “We’ve talked a lot about this issue, let’s just do what we have to do.” And he would go out and do it. Leading by example was his leadership style.

Dave’s participation in student activities showed the high regard he had for them. He was a football and water polo coach and games club supporter. I will never forget how excited he was in the final water-polo match when we finally won the City Championship to defeat Ross Sheppard in the Spring of this year. What a proud moment for him and for Eastglen.

After he passed away a student said to me “Mr. Raboud was there for me when I needed it. He convinced me to stay in school and I am ever glad he did.”

Dave’s many contributions to Eastglen made our community a better place to be. He will be dearly missed by all of us at Eastglen. I will miss his smile, his large steps down the hallway, and his dedication to his colleagues, his students, and his school.

Hans Van Ginhoven


In loving memory of



Paint their minds

and guide their thoughts

Share their achievements

and advise their faults

Inspire a Love

of knowledge and truth

As they light the path

Which leads our youth

For our future brightens

with each lesson they teach

Each smile they lengthen

Each goal they help reach

For the dawn of each poet

each philosopher and king

Begins with a Teacher

And the wisdom they bring

- Kevin William Huff -

A teacher affects eternity:

he can never tell where his influence stops.

- Henry Adams -

He cared enough

to love enough

to share enough

to let others become what they could be

- John O'Brien -

A teacher

Takes a hand

Opens a mind

Touches a heart

Shapes the future

As a teacher, friend, and coach

he touched our lives forever

Blessed is the influence of one true,

loving human soul on another.

- George Eliot -

When a life has been lived completely honestly,

completely successfully,

or just completely,

the correct response to death's punctuation

marks is a smile.

- Julie Birchill -

Dave Raboud

1959 - 2004











What will survive of us is love.   - Philip Larkin -